Researching Quantized Social Interaction

Tag: influence

The Influentials

New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter By Alex Leavittwith Evan Burchard, David Fisher, & Sam Gilbert Using a new methodology based on the content and responses of 12 popular users, we determined measurements of relative influence on Twitter. We examined an ecosystem of 134,654 tweets, 15,866,629 followers, and 899,773 followees, and in response to […]

MC Hammer Can’t Touch Social Media Geeks, Tweeting Cats When it Comes to Influence on Twitter

A Preview of WEP Report #4 When deciding whether someone is worth following or talking to on Twitter, most of us make a snap judgment based on a user’s follower count, but what does this really tell us? For our fourth publication, the Web Ecology Project decided to move beyond follower count to find a […]